Nursery School The Llimoner
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El llimoner
La Llimonada
Classes first steps in music
During the first years of the infancy, the boys already are able to take part actively in the musician. His innate curiosity to perceive and express through the sound offers an excellent opportunity to wake up in them his artistic capacities, creative and social thanks to the inesgotable presence of the fantasy, the game and the song as a main expressive elements and of communication.

We present you the extracurricular activity of musician for the boys and girls of P2-P-5 with the following:

general Aims:
Sensitise and enter to the world of the musician of shape lúdica and spontaneous.
Favour in the process of autonomy and of socialisation of the Boy.
Relate the musical language with the rest of languages.
Fomentar The relation with the adult and with the rest of companions.
Incentivar The curiosity of the Boy.

Songs: Learn the habit to listen songs of different typologies (popular, of the nature, of the stations, etc.) Using visual and material resources diverse.
Qualities of the sound: Enter through the game the different qualities of the sound.
Instruments: Presentation of the instruments of the orchestra. Manipulation of the instruments of small percussion. Learn to relate the sound of the instrument with his image.
Rhythm: Sensitisation through the game and of the imitation with the relation body-space.
Dance: Work with the natural movements and the psicomotricitat. Fomentar The ganes to dance.
Imagination and movement: Wake up through the musician the individual imagination and put it in common using the own body and diverse objects.
Audition: Discrimination of dreams. Differentiation of the natural sounds of the mechanics. Association with the photography.
Musical tales: Keep the attention and the habit to listen through the musical tales. Experience with the characters of the tale.
Bells: Introduction and recognition. Of the no fine-tuned bells.
Relaxation: Work on the interiorització of a same through auditions, dances, painting, etc.